What types of compressors use PSA technology?
What types of compressors use PSA technology?
You may have come across the term PSA when reading any information about a nitrogen generator or perhaps an oxygen generator, yet while the term looks common, not many people understand what it means.
Both the oxygen generator and the nitrogen generator have adopted various technologies that help them present their best solutions in any situation to which they will be subjected during their production time, so it is of utmost importance that they integrate more methods and practical solutions, which will allow you to fulfill your functions in a practical way.
This is where we can see how the old oxygen generator and the hydrogen generator, decided to adapt to PSA technology, which allowed them to offer the various services and opportunities that they give today to all its users.
Well, let's talk then about what PSA is, and how this technology has been incorporated into these popular generators in recent years, coming to develop a particular category for these and many others.
What is PSA?
Its abbreviations refer to Pressure Swing Adsorption, and it is a technology that was created with the purpose of integrating itself both with the production of oxygen, as well as that of nitrogen. Basically it is in charge of separating oxygen or nitrogen, depending on the case of each compressor, discarding other residual elements that exist in the air, and then, having each of these elements in their pure state, it is in charge of storing and compressing them in small spaces.
The gases that are chosen to be separated (such as oxygen and nitrogen), are obtained through a mixture of other gases under pressure, allowing them to reach the surface. Obviously the mixtures vary according to the gas that needs to be extracted.
The entire mixture passes through a kind of molecular-level carbon screen, which allows all the material needed to be extracted from the air flow.
Which compressors use PSA technology the most?
There are many types of compressors, which achieve the same function, only certain processes vary, depending on what the manufacturer believes is most effective for each case, since it must be remembered that these compressors can select different types of gases.
However, among the most popular PSA compressors on the market, there are the PSA oxygen compressors and the PSA nitrogen compressors which have been in charge of understanding and perfectly coupling all these methods that are carried out in this type of compressors.
This means that it can be really common to find PSA oxygen and nitrogen compressors in any factory, being preferred by the user thanks to the physical characteristics, but above all because they have high fidelity, reaching purity levels unimaginable, which could not be achieved through other methods.
But not all manufacturers and users have the same needs, it is for this reason that we can see how more and more compressors are created every day, varying the way in which they filter materials, as they not only seek excellence, but also adapt to different environments.